
360 fan picked to duke it out on TRL today

MTV contacted to give one of their members an opportunity to go to NYC and play a celebrity contestant mano a mano in Fight Night Round 3 for the chance to win... A NEW CAR (cue applause). Chosen member "got_vdub" will take on snowboarding gold medalist Shaun White this afternoon, February 22nd, at 3:30 PM ET. If he wins, he's agreed to change his handle to got_dodge*.

If you aren't doing anything today at 3:30, tune in to melt some brain cells watching TV's vilest program, but stick around to root got_vdub on. Try cheering at the screen, or pumping your fists in the air. We're not really sure how this cheering thing works...

The above image, taken from got_vdub's MySpace profile, is from last week's TRL introduction.

*This statement isn't true.

[Thanks, Omar]

UPDATE: Xbox360Forum reports, "So it's official. got_vdub rocked the house on MTV, beat gold-medalist snowboarder Shaun White in Fight Night 3, and walked away with a brand new 2006 Dodge Caliber!!" Congrats!