
Upcoming Paladin Changes

Details remain scarce, but it looks like paladins may have some positive changes in their future, primarily to make them more capable tanks. (Though Eyonix's phrasing, which states that improving tanking ability is "one of their goals" begs the question as to what their other goals might be.) Paladins can look forward to the following in upcoming patches:

  • Holy Shield: while this ability does generate threat (though this is note stated on the tool tip), the amount of threat it causes is being reviewed.

  • Righteous Fury: is currently not generating the proper amount of threat for all holy damage. This should be fixed in 1.10.

  • Other Abilities: all threat-generation abilities are being reviewed, and paladins can expect to see other threat generation skills improving over "the next few patches."

  • Protection Tree: will be getting a review to make it "more appealing."