Live from CeBIT: Hands-on with VK 2200 4 megapixel cameraphone and 8.8-mm thin VK 2000
South Korean VK Corporation is best known 'round these parts for products that mimic the design of others. However, that may have all changed with their decision to use air-brushed, but otherwise nude, models to hawk their wares on the CeBIT floor over the last few days. No, we're not going to post those photos, but we will give you a glimpse into their product line on display. Just check the VK 2010 (pictured). This tri-band, 4 megapixel cameraphone with 1GB of NAND flash features Bluetooth, an MP3/AAC/AAC player, can record MPEG-4 / H.263 video and then throw it back to the 1.66-inch 160 x 128 TFT display. Click-on for a feel of the booth as well as pics of their 8.8-milimeter uber-thin VK2020.
VK letting the world know they are here.
More VK 2200. Nothing happened, honest!
VK 2200 from the top.
Here we have the 8.8-mm thin VK 2020. This is what you get when you take out the bulk of the digital camera -- a 0.31-inch wafer of a phone. Hey, haven't we seen that keypad before?
The VK 2020 stacked on a RAZR.
Like we were told at the booth, VK did not copy the RAZR keypad design... see the "RAZR's keys are bigger." Denial is just the first stage.
Those aren't the only phones on display, but certainly the most interesting.
Aww Dieter, you are looking so angular. Now sprockets, we dance!