
"I believe I can fly!" GRAW glitch

Nope, this ain't a "R. Kelly just spawned as an enemy combatant" kinda glitch, this is the kind of glitch that gets right on our tits*. Christie sent us this link to a YouTube video showing a glitch that affects gameplay whilst prone on night maps in Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter. Also having experienced this bug we tried to reason with Major Scott Mitchell, telling him it was physically impossible to attempt to fly from a prone position, but he kept trying anyway.

On a more serious note, this is a pretty blatant bug that should easily have been spotted by the QA (quality assurance) guys. SRSLY? Did not one of the testers go prone on a night level?

* From the dictionary of slang -
get on one's tits: To annoy, to get on one's nerves. The 'tits' in the phrase are metaphorical hence the idiom is used by both sexes. E.g."GRAW's glitch really gets on my tits."

[Thanks, Christie Arnold. Random photo courtesy of Glasgow Survival]