
Thoughts on what the PS3 "shoulda been"

Long Tran (the "electro" half of blogging-duo "electroplankton") has posted a thoughtful writeup of industrial designer Jaren Goh's PS3 design concept. He writes, "[Goh's] iteration of the PS3 is slick, seems balanced, and takes that age old design philosophy that less is always more."

He discusses the details of the concept, focusing on design elements like the logo, the drive location, the foot, and the chrome grill elaborating, "The mesh grill that all of the next generation game consoles have has a chrome plate on it, making it a part of the design as opposed to an afterthought. I'm sort of yes/no on that one, but nonetheless, Goh's design is far superior than the real PS3." Pair one of these up with Adam Portilla's "Ball Controller" and PlayStation 3 is the new Revolution.

[Thanks, SuicideNinja]

[UPDATE: Replaced a missing letter, restoring peace in the galaxy.]