
Favorite RPG Quests

Zul'Ferrak quest event

Some players (myself among them) make a run for every floating yellow exclamation point they find, while others avoid them, claiming that grinding is a more efficient way to level. Today Slashdot presents its readers with the question of what their favorite RPG quests are, and while it's not specifically touching on WoW, it started me thinking about some of my favorite WoW quests. One of the comments on Slashdot mentions the Zul'Ferrak temple quest event, but I have to say my favorite had to be the Onyxia quest chain. While difficult and time consuming, at the end of the quest you really feel like you've accomplished something. Or at least until everything respawns.

So, does anyone here have any favorite Warcraft quest moments? Or are you the type to avoid those exclamation points like the plague?