
The GDC Store/Bookstore tour

The real business starts in just a few short hours, beginning with Microsoft's blogger's breakfast, quickly followed by the Sony keynote, the Game Developer's Choice Awards, and more! Until then, live vicariously by checking out the GDC Store/Bookstore where they're selling... uh, books and stuff. If you're curious what the industry insiders keep on their bedside table, look no further. Behold!

Row upon row of books about games. Really, that's it. Game programming, theory, culture, art, poetry. It's all here.

A veritable list of "gaming books you should have read." Everything Bad is Good for You? Check. Smartbomb? Check. Masters of Doom? Check.

Here's the section for the academic game nerds. That's The Ludologist's half-real and Nick Montfort's seminal look at Interactive Fiction, Twisty Little Passages.

What's that doing here? It goes to show how intellectually curious the conference attendees are I guess.

Gaming art books. They're like coffee table books for nerds.

Art books featuring all the CGI artwork lining the conference center walls, part of the "Graphic Impact Annual Art Competition."

Game soundtracks for those who're so inclined. Seriously though, Tao-Feng? Brute Force?

The official GDC:06 backpack. You put yer' games in it. And the schwag. And whatever books and CDs you've purchased (see above).

A cap. Great for the balding or those with neither the inclination nor the ability to properly groom themselves. My people.

Clothing for those proud to advertise their conference attendance; a badge of nerd pride. Hoodies, T-shirts, 3/4 length sleeves, all here, all emblazoned with the super-trendy GDC:06 logo.

It can't be said that the video games industry isn't reaching out to women! The CGI art books pictured above feature plenty (mostly) pictures of women! So here it is: the GDC:06 Baby-T, fer the ladies.