
Joystiq @ E3: May 8, 2006

This is our second day covering E3 2006 in Los Angeles, and it has been a helluva hectic Monday. Our coverage on the Sony coverage has been huge, and we have officially launched the "E3 everything page" located here. Thanks again to Scott Johnson for his wonderful E3 Joystiq logos. While we consider taking a second job to pay for our PlayStation 3, here is our E3 coverage for the day:

Joystiq's E3 everything page
Last call: E3 predictions

Square Enix conference
Sony's PlayStation 3 event pre-game coverage!
Engadget & Joystiq's live coverage of Sony's PlayStation 3 E3 event


Desperate times call for desperate measures
Final Fantasy XIII announced for PS3
MS releases E3 content on XBLM
The real PlayStation 3 controller revealed
E3: PS3 launch details
PlayStation 3 in its final form

Random Joystiquery
The Gears of War mural, day 2
Rogue building boasts PlayStation symbols?
Nintendo's E3 booth in the making
Clash of the Consoles: a sneak peek!