
Assassin slinks its way to 360 [update: 1]

Your backstabbing dreams have come true. Two sources -- Xboxygen and Club Skill if you must know -- have reported that Ubisoft has officially confirmed Assassin's Creed for both 360 and the PC. While most of us have suspected this anyway, especially given Ubisoft's penchant for cross-platform releases, it's nice to get some official word. It's not all sunshine and lollipops though: Ubisoft still hasn't mentioned whether or not Assassin's Creed will be a timed exclusive for the PS3.

Any thoughts?

Update 1: Many sites are now noting the denial from Ubisoft on this matter. Under the guise of UbiRazz, a community manager (mod) from Ubisoft has stated that Ubisoft has made no such confirmation. At least three French sites have reported that Ubisoft made this confirmation at the Interactive DIGITAL Entertainment Festival (l'IDEF). So, this may still be a rumor, but it's a damned juicy one.