
Wii supporting Wavebirds out of the box?

One of our wonderful (and surely drop-dead gorgeous) readers sent in an email about something he says was in the Player's Poll Sweepstakes for the August issue of Nintendo Power (volume 206). It's only one simple multiple-choice question, however the implication it infers through an available answer has caused quite a stir over here at the Wii Fanboy offices (see: hidden dungeon below the Joystiq penthouse). The question reads:

"Which of the following Wii control features or functions is of the greatest interest to you?"

Run-of-the-mill question, right? Well, one of the answers spices things up a bit:

"6. Compatibility with WaveBird for playing GameCube titles."

Could this mean that the Wii would support the Wavebird, possibly even right from the box without the need to attach the controller's receiver? Quick, someone help us pick our jaws up from the floor, it's dirty in this dungeon!

[Thanks Joey!]