
Midway, Ubisoft jump on Wii bandwagon

Gamasutra brings word that Midway and Ubisoft are planning to contribute a healthy lineup of games to the Wii console. Midway has six planned, thus far, and Ubisoft is gonna throw in another seven.

Besides the already announcedMortal Kombat: Armageddon, the other titles have yet to be officially unveiled. Ubisoft is also staying mum, with the only two titles we know so far including Rayman Raving Rabbids and Red Steel.

The reason for the recent surge in interest? Gamasutra puts it best:

In general, however, it appears that extremely positive reaction to Nintendo's Wii at E3, alongside the realization that many "hardcore" game consumers will buy the console in addition to either an Xbox 360 or a PlayStation 3 has meant notably increased publisher support for the platform in recent weeks.

[Thanks, Cabbage]