
Sony's Phil Harrison's foot seeks his mouth again, misses

So, all this talk about format wars and console wars has everyone riled up, but what about the next-next-gen wars? We're talking PS4, XBox720, Wiiiii(?)! Maybe we aren't thinking about that yet, but Phil Harrison, the man behind Sony's worldwide studios, definately is. He said that "I'd be amazed if the PlayStation 4 has a physical disc drive," which really makes this console war useless. Who cares about HD-DVD or Blu-ray if in 5 or 10 years (depending on how long the PS3 actually lasts as an upgradeable system), we drop media storage discs entirely?

Even if that were true and we got everything we needed over some kind of broadband (movies, games, etc)... that would kind of stink. Download times may be excessive and even the hardest core of gamers and movie watchers will end up needing more hard drive space. Not that buying an external hard drive would be a pain. All of that is fairly moot, though, as one thing will lead this movement: price. Would it be cheaper to download games and movies from a Sony-based PS4 website? By all means, it should. That doesn't mean it will. What does everyone think about the possible move away from discs? Would it bode well, fare poorly, crash the internet as we know it?