
Video Sandwich: August 10, 2006

It's been a while since our last Video Sandwich. If you're a newcomer to the Fanboy, here's how it goes: you get two videos that make the tasty bread of this sandwich. Then, in the middle you get the meaty commentary by me. Tonight's sandwich features two PSP ads, neither of which will ever air in America. The top is an ultra-romantic, somewhat cheesy Korean advertisement that focuses on the wide variety of features of the handheld. Using my mad Korean skillz, I can tell you that the commercial tries to portray how their love is like the various features of the PSP. It ends with the guy saying: Whatever you want to do... the PSP can do it. This kind of advertising must work wonders on the same Nintendogs-crazy market that's gone mad for the DS (read: girls).

The bottom video is a fan-created commercial that also highlights the various features of the system. It doesn't feature any game or movie footage, but is done in such a sleek way that it trumps all of Sony's official marketing here in the states. Considering how Sony's trying to rebuild the PSP brand as a device that can do games and more, this kind of commercial would work really well. Maybe we'll see something like this on the TV in the future.