
Yowzer! 100 PS3 titles in development

If you want to get technical, Sony has over 190 titles in the works across all consoles (PS3, PS2, PSP), but Phil Harrison confirmed to that 100 are for the PS3. While this may seem like Sony has moved on to the next-gen system, we must recall that the PS2 is still getting some massive titles released into next year (Final Fantasy XII, God of War 2). Who would ever completely drop their previous console right after the next-gen edition is released, anyway? Oops! Nevermind.

So what does Phil Harrison recommend for us? He didn't actually "recommend" anything so much as recite the obvious: that Resistance: Fall of Man is garnering a lot of attention in the U.S. and European and White Knight Story is gathering steam worldwide. We'll just say those are the games he wants us to watch out for. Lots of gaming, coming our way!