
GuildWatch: Massacre in the Tram

Burning Crusade delay got you down? Winter blues setting in early because Blizzard dropped a bomb on your Tuesday? Worry not, adventurers. Pull up a stool at the GuildWatch Tavern, where we've got drama, downings, and recruiting notices from guilds all over the world of Azeroth. Plus, ladies get in free!

And if you want in on the party, drop us an email at, and send us news of your guild's drama, downing, or recruting. Remember, your bartenders live by your tips!


  • Over on Arthas-H, Rogues Take Zero Skill had cleared out BWL, but didn't have a chance to do Nef last week. So TG asked them if they could down their Nefarion, and, after some deliberation, RTZS decided to offer them the instance either in exchange for a fee in gold, or for TG to take five of RTZS's members with them. TG offered to take one, then two, then gave up. Except that right after that, they invited one of RTZS's members into the raid anyway, and then used him to "steal" the instance. TG says it's not a problem because RTZS wasn't going to be able to down Nef anyway, but RTZS says if that's true, then TG should have put in the time to clear the instance themselves. Rumor has it RTZS is trying to report TG for ganking their instance.

  • Alliance Against Drama on Aszhara-H got owned.. by a 45 rogue named Wreighn. He says he rocked them 1v5 in STV (25 deaths for them, one for him). Unfortunately for him, no one else on the realm, including AAG, seems to care.

  • Super Criminals (winner of this week's Best Guild Name award) is a PVP guild over on Crushridge-H that-- well, you know how when you're on top of the mountain, it seems like everyone wants to kick you off themselves? That's where they are right now. But they aren't helping things much-- when they win, they brag. When they lose, they say they were just messing around, or playing naked or for fun without vent. They're taunting and trolling, basically, and other guilds are eating it up. But isn't that what good premade PVP is all about anyway?

  • Ninja alert: Toocute (alt's name is Stabyoazz) on Crushridge-A-- grabbed the Eye of Divinity from the Cache during a pickup MC run by Insurgence. Wait, he apologized. Does he get another chance?

  • Raiding is Hard on Duskwood-H invaded the Deeprun Tram. Oh, the toonanity!


  • Our friends in Untold Power on Scilla have gotten MC down to a cool 3 hour clear. Nice!

  • Darknova on Alexstrasza-H finished off Razorgore.

  • The guild I'm in, Gothic Bunnies on Thunderhorn-H, continues to rock: This week, Rajaxx, Buru, and Domo all got hopped on.

  • Scarlet Menace on Hyjal-A dropped Anub'Rekhan.

  • Late Night on Rexxar-A finished off Hakkar. Grats!

  • Gray Rangers on Whisperwind-A not only finally gave me all their server info, but they also did in Ebonroc and Flamegor! Awesome!


  • Dark Solace just picked up their first Hand of Ragnaros. Also, they're seeking Druids and Hunters for BWL

  • Defenders of the Pass on Eldre'Thealas-A wants Priest raiders

  • Demise just started, and they want help working through ZG and AQ towards MC and Ony.

  • Dark Chaos on Maelstrom-H wants help, specifically healers, for Nef

  • Itinera Belli on Sargeras-A wants one, that's ONE, Paladin

  • Infinity on Bloodscalp-A wants a Druid, Hunter, Mage and Rogue, in Tier 2 or higher. Seriously, who is unguilded and in Tier 2 or higher?

  • Schism is an AQ/Naxx guild on Frostmane-H, and they want all classes, specifically Shaman and Mages.

That's your GuildWatch for this week, folks. Remember to send us your tips at, because we surely need them! We'll see you next week-- you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.