
Switched On: 101 columns

A couple of years ago we asked Ross Rubin, classic technology witticist and noted analyst for NPD, to do a weekly column for us. We dubbed it Switched On, which debuted exactly two years ago this Friday. Since then he's written over a hundred editions of his weekly column -- a hundred one to be exact, and a hundred two as of his next column later today -- which continue to endlessly delight and amuse those who tune in weekly for his humorous insights on technology. Here's to another two, Ross!

P.S. -Click on for the entire Switched On archive!

  1. Switched On: The iPod Photo's slippery slope towards video

  2. Switched On: Change in the air for thin data

  3. Switched On: How Microsoft's Media Center Will Save Television

  4. Switched On: Mattel's Juice Box Enters The Matrix

  5. Switched On: RoboSleepingIn

  6. Switched On: Audio companies should plant seeds, not pick Apples

  7. Switched On: iPod flash wouldn't realize downmarket dreams

  8. Switched On: TiVo should skip ahead and kill subscription fees

  9. Switched On: Microsoft refreshes WebTV for a curious comeback

  10. Switched On: The Slight Before Christmas

  11. Switched On: Consumer electronics companies need to step up their software

  12. Switched On: Fond memories of CES Press Conference #417

  13. Switched On: Mac mini, the best media center that isn't

  14. Switched On: Motorola will play shuffle-bored on deck

  15. Switched On: Pimp My Rise

  16. Switched On: PDAs, a multiple murder mystery

  17. Switched On: Time to write off pen computing

  18. Switched On: High-resolution photos want to be free

  19. Switched On: The "i" behind iPod -- innovation, integration, or inertia?

  20. Switched On: Motorola's cell phones keep getting BETR

  21. Switched On: The Blossoming of Bluetooth

  22. Switched On: The PSP Changes the Game

  23. Switched On: Stuck in the Middle with UMD

  24. Switched On: Apple, RIAA Should Sue Each Other's Fans

  25. Switched On: The Ambient Dashboard moves the needles

  26. Switched On: Sweet dash eats cash, meets crash

  27. Switched On: The misguided marketing of PlaysForSure

  28. Switched On: Philips PSS110, The Little Boombox That Can't

  29. Switched On: Longhorn hardware advances could give PDAs a one-two punch

  30. Switched On: Next-gen consoles have 500 million triangles per second and nothing Pong

  31. Switched On: Aping Donkey Kong: The bizarre 180 of XBox 360

  32. Switched On: The Tao of the Photo Trinket

  33. Switched On: Macintel - Expanding market share via the chic, the geek, and the IT meek

  34. Switched On: Don't Buy This Stuff

  35. Switched On: With Grokster decision, "endangered gizmos" will survive

  36. Switched On: Causing a Change of Heart

  37. Switched On: Jane, Stop This Crazy Thing

  38. Switched On: The Peerflix challenge: Rip. Flix. Churn.

  39. Switched On: MP3 from Rio flight to neophyte

  40. Switched On: Mighty Mouse has some wrongs to right

  41. Switched On: When Clock Meets Dock

  42. Switched On: The musical mesh for the moneyed

  43. Switched On: Musician, Heal Thyself

  44. Switched On: A Case of "He Said, HP Said"

  45. Switched On: Hi-Def and Dumb

  46. Switched On: Fixed Fees and Diminishing Returns

  47. Switched On: Why Motorola's ROKR plays the humdrum

  48. Switched On: Listen Up, 'Buds

  49. Switched On: Cheapest laptop boasts rich innovation

  50. Switched On: When you wish upon iPod

  51. Switched On: The camcorder's disposable, but the memories aren't

  52. Switched On turns one: The Maven

  53. Switched On: The Game Boy Micro pulls off the screen play

  54. Switched On: Let Freedom Sling

  55. Switched On: Microsoft needs to smarten up startin' up

  56. Switched On: From PC to PSP, Sony-style

  57. Switched On: If Black Friday went my way

  58. Switched On: Cisco and the set-top

  59. Switched On: A facile firewall sleeps with the fishes

  60. Switched On: The Year of the Switch

  61. Switched On: The Switchies

  62. Switched On: Enter the lay tricks

  63. Switched On: A moving experience

  64. Switched On: Where's Windows' welcome wagon?

  65. Switched On: Burning love

  66. Switched On: All the President's Discs

  67. Switched On: Bringin' da noise brings in da funk

  68. Switched On: When you wish upon a star

  69. Switched On: The contractor and the architect

  70. Switched On: Origami is a paper tiger for now

  71. Switched On: La la introduces the CD to P2P

  72. Switched On: La la, legality, and the long tail

  73. Switched On: Why Adobe should cook the books

  74. Switched On: Boot Camp - The Miffing Manual

  75. Switched On: Get the show on the road

  76. Switched On: Pandora's Box (Part 1)

  77. Switched On: Pandora's Box (Part 2)

  78. Switched On: Reaching beyond retro

  79. Switched On: With flash camcorder, Pure Digital shoots and scores

  80. Switched On: TiVo should be on Google's wish list

  81. Switched On: Baby steps toward intelligent apparel

  82. Switched On: Taking control to another dimension

  83. Switched On: Flight of the damned... usage terms

  84. Switched On: Pondering PC 3.0

  85. Switched On: Why Microsoft would break Windows

  86. Switched On: A direct hit

  87. Switched On: Biting back for Bluetooth

  88. Switched On: The music, the money and Microsoft

  89. Switched On: The next PlaysForSure ad

  90. Switched On: Trading up trade shows

  91. Switched On: Time Machine restores best, not first

  92. Switched On: An image to protect

  93. Switched On: The gist on your wrist

  94. Switched On: The Chumby challenge

  95. Switched On: For Bluetooth, icon or "I can't"

  96. Switched On: Brookstone's music box

  97. Switched On: Why XM should nab Napster

  98. Switched On: Dash puts wireless in the driver's seat

  99. Switched On: Dashing through the slow

  100. Switched On: Abbott and Costello meet HP's board

  101. Switched On: Apple's DVR dilemma

  102. Switched On: Rebooting retail in Redmond