
Tom Clancy shirks gamers -- Vegas Vacation ensues

So... many... references... in... this... title. Anyway, it's all true! Rainbow Six: Vegas (seriously... doesn't anyone else care that it's Rainbow? Are they trying to imply ethnic diversity or univeral acceptance? Tom Clancy, I'm on to you...) has been delayed until the end of January 2007. For the PS3 and PSP. 360 fanboys who invariably come here, rejoice! You can do more of the Rainbow Six-ing while we wait with bated breath to play this neato game.

Why the delay? IGN hypothesizes the online component. But that's fine by us, since Rainbow Six pretty much works because of the online component, a delay to fix that up isn't exactly a bad thing, right? Sony was pretty sparse in its information regarding the PlayStation Online thingy to third-party games (just look at Tony Hawk's Project 8). So, is anyone particularly bothered by this? Or is it all good as long as the final product can compete with XBox Live's online functions for the game?