
$2.1 million in Xbox 360s stolen

If only all British crime were as goofy as a Guy Ritchie movie. Over in Britain, due to the fact they don't have PS3s to shoot each other over yet, criminals have gone for the next best thing and are hijacking trucks containing Xbox 360s. So far two trucks carrying the consoles have been hit in less then a week. Both trucks hijacked were from the same firm, Hellman Worldwide Logistics, making it sound like either the hijackers liked how easy it was stealing from them the first time around, or it was an inside job.

Staffordshire police are asking for help, "We are appealing for information from anyone who is offered these games in suspicious circumstances, such as in a pub, at a car boot sale or off the back of a lorry."

We'd love to help the Staffordshire police except that we don't think the thieves will be advertising in a magazine, selling them to people who have boots on their cars -- that's already expensive enough to get off as is, right? -- or selling them off anyone named Lorry's back. What strange ways British thieves fence goods. (Rimshot)

[via Engadget]