
Calling all bloggers: we want YOU (update 1)

Do you enjoy writing about video games? Do you enjoy getting paid real monies? Well, then you might be just the person we're looking for! DS Fanboy and Wii Fanboy are both looking to expand their staff and are holding open submissions for bloggers. Applying is a piece of cake, asking only that you:

  • Write up 3 mock posts in the current format that is on DS and Wii Fanboy, including original source links for the story

  • Compose a short bio praising yourself and your insane writing skillz

  • Include links to all published material you have written in the past

And that should about do it. Simple enough, right? As always, failure to follow these rules will exclude you from the festivities. So get cracking and send your submissions to nintendobloggerjob [at] gmail [dot] com.

[Update: New email addy to send in submissions, other way around would've caused us headaches in the backend.]