
LTB's 2.4GHz wireless headphones

LTB has some new wireless headphones (conveniently named LTB Audio Wireless Headphones) that get their job done using 2.4GHz wireless technology, besting the usual 900MHz you'll find in most wireless headphones. Nothing too fancy, the headphones have a built-in rechargeable battery, and can charge up at the base station, which houses the RCA and 3.5mm hookups. Also, multiple transmission channels can be selected from to get the optimum signal, since you will be competing with all the other crazy 2.4GHz technologies floating around your house these days. The Gadgets Weblog got to spend some quality time with a pair, and were quite pleased with the results, including the audio quality and range afforded by the cans. They did mention a slight lack in bass, but gave the pair an overall thumbs up.