
Do-it-yourself repair (Xbox 360 delight #007)

tool box

Since my dysfunctional Xbox 360 was scheduled to ship for repair early this week, I figured some light investigation beforehand couldn't make matters worse. I had no intentions of cracking the console open, but I did want to surf around the Dashboard for any solutions I-or Xbox Support-might have overlooked. I found an intriguing option, "Initial Setup," in the System Blade.

The description explained that by selecting "Initial Setup," the console would run the system setup it executed the first time the Xbox 360 was used. With my HDD and memory unit detached, I knew my profile and saved game data were safe from deletion, so I went ahead with the procedure. The console did its thing and then prompted me to insert a HDD or memory unit. I declined. I was taken to the default Dashboard screen. I picked up my wireless controller and attempted to sync it to the console. It works! I plugged in my iPod and scrolled over to the Media blade. Yes!

I shut the 360 down, reattached the HDD, and turned the console back on (using the controller). This time, everything really was all good. I called my homeboy and fired up PDZ for a couple missions of co-op. Repair cancelled.

Other Xbox 360 delights: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006

Xbox 360 annoyances: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012