
Universal announces impending HD DVD price drop

In what may turn out to be a small, final boost for the HD DVD camp prior to the impending arrival of Samsung's BD-P1000 Blu-ray player that's definitely NOT been delayed, Universal Studios Home Entertainment has announced that it will eventually knock five bucks off of each HD DVD disc that it sells. That's right, if you were holding out on buying that Toshiba HD-A1 until movies dropped below $30, now may be your time to strike, as titles that were formerly $34.95 will soon retail for $29.95 (though you'll probably be able to find them cheaper), with hybrid HD DVDs from the studio going for $35. Unfortunately (for HD DVD proponents, at least), the price drops won't go into effect until August 8th, at which point this format war will have already spilled over into the marketplace.

[Via Digital Media Thoughts]