
PSP price to drop to $149 this holiday season?

Chris Morris from CNN/Money explores the possibility of a PSP price drop this holiday season. Recent PSP stockpilings suggest that gamers could see a $50 reduction in price later this year bringing Sony's first portable game machine down to a cool $149.

While the PSP has shipped 20 million units in comparison to Nintendo's selling of 21 million, Morris believes the real issue is as follows: "While the DS has been on the upswing, thanks to commercially and critically successful games such as Brain Age (which has sold more than 4 million copies worldwide), Nintendogs and New Super Mario Brothers, the PSP has not had a game truly capture the gaming world's attention since the release of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories last October."

Though we loves us some price drops, if Sony wants to move PSP units (and I don't mean just shipping them), better to develop unique content in the form of must-have games than merely drop prices. I've heard the N-Gage is dang cheap right now.