
Year in Review: September

Remember when Killzone was supposed to have Infrastructure mode? Let's hope Sony doesn't forget. September was an incredible month, especially with an impressive Tokyo Game Show outing.

Engadget goes hands-on with the Sony Mylo
Then: "In the first images we saw of the Mylo, it looked like its design borrowed heavily from the PSP. But seeing the two together, they really don't look similar at all."
Now: The Mylo wasn't ever meant to be an extension of the PlayStation brand (like some of you have mistaken). Sony will continue experimenting until they release another handheld addition to the PlayStation brand.

Sony says: PSP will become a virtual PS3
Then: Sony Computer Entertainment corporate executive Izumi Kawanishi shared some insights today in a report titled "PSP will become a virtual PS3."
Now: A more advanced Remote Play function is in the works, and Sony will continue to bridge their two systems.

Killzone to feature Infrastructure multiplayer, but not at launch
Then: "Infrastructure, which will be made as a downloadble upgrade a few weeks after the game's release on Halloween. In addition to multiplayer, two more maps will be released at that time and a new single player chapter, with four new missions."
Now: These bonuses have gone suspiciously missing. We're told that it's still "coming soon."

Tetris: the first homebrew for 2.80 PSPs
Then: "Wow, it's finally happened. The libtiff exploit that allowed users to downgrade their PSPs has now been used to launch a game application. Although a bit primitive, this piece of homebrew from noobz can be installed and launched very easily."

TGS 06: Everything that happened

See entire year in review so far.