
How the iPhone might be sold unlocked

Loyal reader Sammual pointed us to this post from a "Cingular tier 2 call center tech" where he discusses his impressions of Cingular (not positive), Stan Sigman (ditto), and All Things Steve (big thumbs up). "Jolly Roger" presents the thesis, in a long but interesting diatribe, that the iPhone will actually be sold UNlocked, at least in Apple stores. You would then activate the phone with Cingular or, surreptitiously, with another GSM carrier.

My feeling is that this theory may be colored by JR's self-described soul-numbing experience working for Big Wireless. It seems evident that some of the announced features of the iPhone (visual voicemail, EDGE data) are going to be very tightly carrier-linked. Assuming it was even possible to use the phone on T-Mobile or other GSM networks, would it be worth it without all the bells and whistles? Granted, the device is spec'ed as a quad-band GSM unit, so it will roam internationally... guess we'll find out the truth come summertime.

Thanks Sam!

[via ApplePhoneAddict]