
Band of Bugs brings casual strategy to XBLA

When Microsoft announced the latest lineup of Xbox Live Arcade games, one game stood out among the rest. Sure, we're as excited about Worms and Castlevania as the next trusted news source, but Band of Bugs marks an interesting departure from typical Arcade fare. As a tactical RPG of sorts, Band of Bugs is unlike anything else on Xbox Live Arcade (though it should be noted that Worms is also tactical in nature). Gamasutra sat down with the boys at NinjaBee to learn about the genesis of Band of Bugs, which is now a finalist at the Independent Games Festival. NinjaBee reveals that they wanted to bring something different to the arcade, and that they wanted to create tactical game that appealed to the hardcore and casual alike. Another unique feature of Band of Bugs, it has a level editor. In fact, NinjaBee intimates that the level editor that ships with the game was used to create every level in the game. NinjaBee also takes time to discuss the importance of independent game development in the industry. It's a good read and worth checking out.

We have some special Band of Bugs coverage coming soon, so stay tuned.

[Via XBLArcade]