
FMenu: Facebook in Your Menubar

Kids these days are always going on about their Facebook "social utility." I don't understand such things, but anyway I bring news of FMenu, a little menubar program that keeps you apprised of developments with the popular online community. According to the developer, FMenu will sit quietly in your menubar until one of the following occurs:

  • A friend updates his profile

  • A friend changes his status

  • A friend writes a new note

  • Someone writes on your wall

  • You have new messages

  • You have new pokes

  • You have new friend requests

  • You have new photo comments

At this point, through the glorious magic of Growl, you are informed and can take appropriate action (which I suppose does not include my preferred solution of deleting your Facebook profile).</grumpy_old_man>

In any case, FMenu is Open Source and a free download, but donations are requested.

[Via Digg]

Update: typo