
Star Wars: Force details emerge... metachlorines, seriously?

No offense, Mr. Lucas, but that's probably why you should hire some darn good writers instead of spearing your own child into the ground with your lackluster pen. Seriously... metachlorines? Terrible. Which is exactly the word we hope won't describe the upcoming Star Wars: ForceUnleashed game. Since it's been quiet for a few months, you know some serious gameplay elements were being built and now we can take a peek at them. Behold:

  • Timeline wise, the game is between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope (III and IV). Darth Vader is training an apprentice who he plans to use to destroy the Emperor. Guess who you play as? The apprentice.

  • One of your main tasks is to assist Vader in hunting down any surviving Jedi. Have fun with that.

  • Force abilities are being tweaked to better represent their power. Some stronger ones will require a bit of charging, whereas simpler ones will be nearly instant.

  • For the Star Wars enthusiasts out there: Rancors. They will eat you.

  • You can play as Vader... somehow.

  • Multiplayer is planned, so we should expect something good.

All right. That's really about all we could garner about this game. It sounds like it should at least be as exciting as those Knights of the Old Republic games -- you just don't have to worry about being good or bad. You're just bad. Badass.