
Full Details on R6:V Player's Pack Red Edition

A mere two hours ago we brought you the screens for Rainbow 6: Vegas' new content due at the end of March, now we have our hands on the official press release, which gives plenty of information one what you're getting in the "Player's Pack Red Edition". First off, the two relit maps are Killhouse and Border Town. That covers the content you've seen before, albeit at a different time of day. The fresh meat in terms of arenas are Roof, Doscala Restaurant, and Marshalling Yard. The two multiplayer modes can be played on all 15 maps, and look interesting. Total Conquest is a team-oriented "King of Hill/Territories" game type, with three static control points on a given map. The goal is to control at least 1 point for the specified time. Assassination has the attackers gunning for the VIP, who is being escorted to the extraction zone by the defending team. Essentially, it is Saints Row's "Protect Tha Pimp", without the bitch slapping. Now you know how it looks, and how the new gametypes work. If the screens didn't grab your attention, does this? Additional details on the three new maps can be found through the "Read" link.

[Via DCEmu]