
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, the website unleashed also

LucasArts has launched the website for their newly announced Star Wars title, The Force Unleashed. Developed for the Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, Nintendo DS and PSP platforms, the game presents the first active collaboration between LucasArts developers and the film special effects team at Industrial Light & Magic. Putting players into the hooded cloak of Darth Vader's "secret apprentice," the game's events unfold in-between the last rubbish Star Wars movie and the first good one.

Judging by the artwork on display, the action will likely feature countless stormtroopers being tossed about like paper dolls and at least one livid jedi throwing a force tantrum. Looks like Tosche Station was out of power converters.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed is currently slated for release this November. Check after the break for a video demonstrating some of the technology used in the game.
