
Guildwatch: Flawless victory

One of our featured guilds this week actually has a motto! My guild doesn't have a motto (at least not one that I know of), but if we did get one, I'd suggest "We're here to kick ass and disenchant epics, and our bank is already full of Nexus Shards." Actually, my guildies might not go for that one so much.

Anyway, it's Tuesday, which means it's time for Guildwatch, our weekly informal look at what's happening with guilds around the game (your guild can appear right here by dropping us a drama, downed, or recruiting story at Click the link below to read this week's GW.


  • Rumor has it that Indecisive on Silvermoon-H (one of the biggest and most successful guilds there) is not long for this world, and is splintering up.

  • A player (he can identify himself in the comments below if he wants to) recently got kicked "with no warning or reason" out of Arcane Asylum on Echo Isles, and he wants you, readers, to tell me how he can get back at them. "Is creating an opposing faction guild," he asks, "to grief your former guild going too far?"

  • STEVE (a guild on Area 52-H, and winner of this week's Best Guild Name award) wants you to know that they have made a successful transplant there after their transfer from Stormrage.

  • Cerdic tried to throw a Best Guild Drama contest on the forums, but in the end, his was the only answer that delivered: one of his guild's officers /gquit because someone from the guild ninja'd a helm that he wanted. Only it turns out that the ninja was none other than the only other 60 hunter in the guild-- the /gquitting guy's wife. That's good, but can you all do better? What's the absolute best guild drama you've ever heard?


  • Hey just a note before we start these: I have to thank you readers for defending the honor of a few guilds listed here last week. Yes, we will list any downed sent to us: If you downed Hogger, grats to you. If you've finished off Magtheridon, grats to you too. For us, an accomplishment is an accomplishment.

  • Vanquish has dropped Prince Malchezaar in Karaz for a server first! Grats!

  • Edifice on Shadowsong-A downed Curator and the chess event.

  • Downings are low this week, too, but I think that's because everyone's in the arenas...


  • Trasketor, a UD Warlock on Darkspear-H, sent us a nice little bio of his guild, Burnination. They sound like a lot of fun, they're all good friends (from New Jersey and Canada), and their motto is "Burn it down!!!!!!" Take that as you will-- if you're playing on Darkspear, look them up.

  • Midnight Cartel on Elune (faction?) is looking for a Priest in Tier 1 or better to come with them to Naxx and beyond.

  • Sidewinder on Mannoroth-H is a new PvP guild that routinely rocks Eye of the Storm 2000 - 0.

  • The ladies of (ooooh, ladies) are now recruiting new members for their guild on Ravencrest called Angels of Azeroth. They want lowbies to 30s, newbs to veterans, for a good time (Ravencrest alt, here I come).

  • Deadly Impact is a growing guild recruiting 30+ on Aegwynn-H.

  • Ashen Souls wants West Coast players to join them for a little late night endgame raiding (they plan to start around 9-10 pm, which is great, because that's when I'm at my best).

That's it for GW this week-- come back next Tuesday for more Drama, Downed, and Recruiting news. Thanks to everyone that sent in news this week, and if you want your guild's latest to show up in this space, drop us a quick line at Happy raiding!