
HD DVD looks Circuit City's way, compels independent filmmakers

Although the most recent reports (well, in the US, anyway) have insinuated that Blu-ray disc sales are claiming the lead over HD DVDs, you can bet the (currently) losing side isn't sitting around idly. While various parties have claimed victory over the other, it looks like the HD DVD camp is opening up a previously closed door by pushing Toshiba players into Circuit City stores. Apparently, Circuit City hasn't been exactly fond of carrying Tosh's HD DVD units up until now (or vice-versa), but getting the devices in front of hordes of potential buyers has reportedly enticed a myriad of HD addicts to pick up said units. While a spokesperson for Toshiba declined to get specific, she hinted that having its second-generation players in the big box retailer's store for just a few months allowed them to "eclipse the lifetime sales of the company's first-generation players." On a not-so-surprising note, it seems like consumers might see even steeper price drops sooner due to the newfound BD pressure, and in a presumed attempt to find yet another genre to grab tight to HD DVD, Microsoft is joining the team in order to persuade independent filmmakers to consider the format. Of course, only time will tell if the little guys can actually make it on the high-definition format, but you won't see us complaining with HD DVD titles hitting stores whilst never making their silver screen debut.