Advertisement's makeover, complete with Halo 3 inspiration

Bungie couldn't look any prettier today as the long-awaited makeover of their site has officially rolled over. Typically, a company remodeling their website would be a footnote on a release, but this is Bungie and a site that has recorded over 600 million games of hot, Spartan action. It deserves a little recognition.

Okay, so there is more to it. Midway through the design process, Bungie called upon one of the folks behind Halo 3's interface to lend a hand to the statistical portion of the website. Using our man-crush Frankie as an example, profiles have received a huge face lift, complete with swanky flash navigation for the game viewer.

And If we look at this game where Frankie placed 12th on Juggernaut Lockout (ouch), we can see all sorts of new graphical flair and a much improved presentation. Sort of makes you wish you were playing Halo 3 right now, doesn't it?