
iTunes: Free Tuesday

Welcome to this week's edition of iTunes Free Tuesday. Every week, TUAW visits iTunes stores from around the globe to collect all the latest free music and videos for your downloading enjoyment. This week, we're happy to bring you a fresh selection of US and International downloads. All you need is an in-country iTunes account. You can establish one most easily--and without a credit card--by purchasing an iTunes gift card from that country.

US Music

US: Kiss the Sky by Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra feat. Nino Moschella
Anyone expecting an array of bouncing ping-pong balls mic'ed up and put through an auto-tuner is liable to be disappointed by our free Single of the Week. That said, if you're more interested in funky breaks and innovative loops set to smoky soul tunes - you're in the right place. Taking inspiration from '70s film scores, classic hip-hop, and gritty old soul, Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra rocks the house.

US: Sultanas de Merkaillo by Ojos de Brujo
This Barcelona group has a sound that draws heavily from the rich history of flamenco. The quick, fluid, slightly Afro-Cuban tempo of "Sultanas de Merkaillo" works with the traditional acoustic guitar rhythms. The group also integrates elements of hip-hop, adding in a DJ who's quick to add scratches and samples. The result is a seamless blend of the new and the old. It's also our free Single of the Week.

More great freebies after the jump...

US TV Shows

US: The Andy Milonakis Show: Andy Moves to LA
Andy Milonakis has packed up his stuff and moved to L.A. to unleash his special brand of idiocy on the unsuspecting West Coast. Armed with a new blue shirt and a few new friends, Andy is still up to his same old tricks - messing with delivery men, old people, young people, animals, inanimate objects, food, Ralphie, ants, the sky, cars, nose hair, action figures, and famous people. Celebrity guests include Hilary Duff, Sarah Silverman, Three 6 Mafia, Paul Reubens, and Bow Wow.

US: Raines, Pilot
Jeff Goldblum (Independence Day) joins Emmy Award-winning writer-producer Graham Yost (Band of Brothers) and acclaimed director-writer-producer Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption) in this inventive police drama that blends noir storytelling with modern intrigue, quirky humor, and the mysteries of the human psyche.

US: The Naked Brothers Band, Alex's Skate Tips (Webisode)
Being in a band is awesome. But being in a band with all of your friends is even more AWESOME! The band gets their first nomination for a video music award, Alex starts his own clothing line, and things get a little weird between Nat and Rosalina. Get ready to rock on with the first season of The Naked Brothers Band and download TV episodes, music videos, and free webisodes.

US: Workout, Episode 201 (Frepeat)
Jackie Warner is back. The outspoken and hard-bodied owner of the exclusive Beverly Hills gym, Sky Sport and Spa, returns for a second season. She's got a new business - a weight loss boot camp, a new trainer joining her sexy crew, and a whole lot of new drama as she tries to get her personal life into fighting shape. This season tensions are rising at Sky as Jackie applies more heat on the trainers, because the success of her ambitious new business venture depends on them stepping up. After making a highly charged decision about fiery girlfriend, Mimi, at the end season one, Jackie struggles with the possibility of bringing Mimi back into her life. We'll also sweat it out alongside Jackie's clientele, including celebrities, moguls, and the people who will pay any price to come to Sky for the ultimate work out.

US: The Agency, Fashion Week Episode (Frepeat)
While top models are built to be the picture of perfection, the modeling industry is anything but perfect. Now, for the first time, meet the people who brave the world of high-stakes modeling on a quest for pure beauty: the booking agents of the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency. In the words of one Wilhelmina agent: "If people ask me what I do, I give a pretty simple answer; it's like, we sell flesh." The Agency infiltrates the modeling industry like no other television series has, with a stark look at the men and women who search for, mold, scold, and comfort raw, young hopefuls - all in an effort to groom the world's most marketable beautiful people. The Agency is not about glamour. It's about the harsh realities of an industry in which millions of dollars are at stake daily and the competition for talent can lead to both euphoric victories and bitter defeats. From eating disorders to money disputes to ego clashes to poaching by other agencies, The Agency casts an unblinking eye on the super-high-stress jobs of the people who are completely hooked on the business of brokering beauty.

US: The Hills/Who Do You Trust? (Freepeat)
With a year in Los Angeles under their belts, Lauren Conrad and her friends Heidi, Audrina, and Whitney are learning that being young women in the big city isn't as easy as they thought. The girls are older, wiser, and now single, facing new challenges at work and school. But this year when new boys force them to make tough choices, Lauren and the girls are about to find out that not even friendships can be taken for granted.


Australia: Louder Than Words by August Way
"Louder than Words" begins as an easy-going, epic pop song on the surface, with a more urgent message underneath. As it builds, the hope and fears of the group rise up, creating a more powerful tune. Inspired by the environmental crisis and Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth documentary, August Way set out to create an inspirational song that would drive people to action - we think they've succeeded. Get this free Single of the Week today.

New Zealand: Louder Than Words by August Way
"Louder than Words" begins as an easy-going, epic pop song on the surface, with a more urgent message underneath. As it builds, the hope and fears of the group rise up, creating a more powerful tune. Inspired by the environmental crisis and Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth documentary, August Way set out to create an inspirational song that would drive people to action - we think they've succeeded. Get this free Single of the Week today.

Canada: Single Life by The Pink Mountaintops
Pink Mountaintops is the other band of Black Mountain frontman Stephen McBean. Whereas Black Mountain is dirty, heavy, and sludgy - Pink Mountaintop is dirty, sexy, and sludgy. A little bit Spacemen 3, Brian Jonestown Massacre, and the Velvet Underground all in one package - and today it's our free Single of the Week.

France: You Are Never Alone by Socalled
Ce single de Socalled commence sur un sample de chœurs poussiéreux et quelques notes au piano avant de se lancer dans un rythme qui plairait à Kanye West. Les chanteuses Katie Moore et Doris Glaspie échangent ensuite couplets et refrains avant que C-Rayz Walz, la star du hip-hop underground new-yorkais, nous offre quelques passages surréels. Le morceau tout entier a un parfum « hit pop », et nous espérons qu'il vous plaira : c'est notre Single de la semaine.

UK: Talk of the Town by Kate Walsh
With a voice like a whisper and her time on earth barely past the teenage years, Kate Walsh walks with confidence on her folk-y, pop tunes. Sounding a bit windswept on "Talk of the Town," she calls out to a lover with only a spare acoustic guitar backing her up. Combining a rural twang with a more urban pop structure, Walsh finds a great balance on this free Single of the Week.