
After DMC4, MS Germany wants MGS and FF

Boris Schneider-Johne, Product Manager of Microsoft Germany, is pleased that Devil May Cry 4 is headed to the Xbox 360. On his personal blog he posted a very simple message. Titled, "One down, two to go," it reads:

  1. Devil May Cry

  2. Final Fantasy

  3. Metal Gear Solid

As IGN reports, many sites quickly speculated that Schneider-Johne was implying that Microsoft had plans to acquire the remaining franchises in the list. Schneider-Johne clarified in an update to his post that the list merely represents a personal wish list and doesn't reflect Microsoft as a whole. Personal wish list or not, there have certainly been rumblings that these major franchises could go multiplatform. Considering the rising cost of development, the success of the 360, and the rocky start of the PS3, it's not too far-fetched to think other series might make the jump as well.

Anyone have any other PS3 exclusives they'd like to see on Xbox 360?