
Dream a little Dream of Neko

Have you ever idly wanted to be a cat? Well, perhaps the felines dream about being you, as well -- at least, that's the story behind Dream of Neko, a new game headed to the DS. Neko, a kitten (how's that for an original name) who dreams of the freedom of humans, awakens one day to find that he's become one ... but it must not be all it's cracked up to be (we'll vouch for that), because Neko sets off on an epic quest to regain kittenhood. Hey, we're all about the good things in human life, like video games and steak, but sometimes, we'd just like to relax with a ball of string and a pillow as well. We can relate.

Dream of Neko
has a tentative third quarter release for Europe so far, and little else is known at this time.