
When is it okay to pass little Jimmy the Gears of War?

As Clive Thompson puts it, "We're the first generation that is young enough to have grown up playing games, but old enough to have kids." So what do we do when the little ones start asking questions like, "Why did the big tank man just crack open that alien's skull?" Which is immediately followed by, "So when is it my turn?"

On second thought, when is it considered appropriate to hand down the controller in the first place? Clive gets in touch with his moral compass and with the help of an all-star cast of gaming pappies and the Lego corporation, begins to formulate a game plan to tackle the subject in his own home.

For those who plan on leaving Azeroth long enough to breed someday, welcome to the world of responsibility. For those who already have this encounter on daily farm status, would you like to share your techniques with the rest of the server that we call life?