
G3 video game charity event involves ... shooting

"Welcome to G3 -- the biggest thing in the videogames industry" claims their website. The three Gs are guns, games, and giving. On May 4th in the UK, charitable shooters can pay £1250 for a team of five to enter, and be treated to a schedule filled with activities like:

  • 0900 -- Arrive Gosterwood Manor shooting grounds – consume bacon butties / tea / coffee

  • 1020 -- Start shooting the 10 stands

  • 1200 -- Break for lunch at The Parrot

  • 1400 -- Return to shooting grounds, complete the 10 stands

  • 1615 -- Tea, prizes, boasting, exaggeration

Thankfully the money is going to the Entertainment Software Charity, so if you're in the UK, you want to hobnob with some game executives, shoot a few rounds, and explore your philanthropic side all at the same time, then you're pretty much covered. Pull!