
DS Fire Emblem possible

Try not to get too excited (we know how you Fire Emblem devotees can be), but in an interview with IGN, a few of the franchise's producers dropped some hints that may lead to a DS appearance. However -- and this is why we caution against jumping the excitement gun -- Nintendo's Hitoshi Yamagami voiced some hesitation at a DS version. While they think that the handheld is perfect for SRPGs, they prefer to see Fire Emblem on a television. The demand is considerable for such a title, though, so if we keep our fingers crossed and think happy thoughts, it just may happen.

In the interview, they also discussed WiFi options and the fact that they wanted to implement online functionality in the Wii's Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn, but there just wasn't enough time. Wherever the next installment in the series falls, it's probably going to be online.