
SingStar harmonizes a few details

We danced around this piece of news for the better part of the week, but we're finally sitting down and cranking it out. After I get a sandwich. And look for a used copy of Stella Deus. And watch this Mythbusters re-run. All right, let's do this.

First up, as we've previously said, SingStar will come with a standard 30 tracks by artists like Gwen Stefani, OutKast, Coldplay, Pussycat Dolls, Razorlight and Wolfmother, but upon its release there will be over 300 tracks available for download, many of which are from previous SingStar games. Songs will be added monthly when the game launches in June -- for Europe and Australia. The US is still lacking a clear release date.

In addition to having a strangely MySpace-ish setup (profile, pictures, song lists, etc available to other online users), there will be new mics released for the game. If you've got a PS2 SingStar mic, fear not! It will still work with the PS3... but if you want to keep your PS3 sporting zero controller wires, you might want to snag a new PS3 wireless one. My opinion. Don't forget to request a song or artist!