
New Assassin's Creed details sneak out

CVG has posted a three part interview with the scriptwriter for Assassin's Creed, Cory May. While few gameplay details are revealed, Cory sheds some light on the story of Assassin's Creed (though he's a little more tactful about it than Kristen Bell). May goes into detail about the game's plot, which is based on the Third Crusade. While the plot is fictional, it is based on real historical figures and events. As two factions wage war (the Crusaders and the Saracens), the Assassins seek only to end the fighting. It turns out that another secret group seeks to extend the hostilities for as long as possible, as they profit from the violence. So, it's up to the Assassins to put a stop to it all. May also mentions the Templar Treasure, which should make fans of TheDa Vinci Code positively giddy.

May reveals that the Assassin's motto is "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." While this motto applies historically to the Assassin's actions, May says it also applies to the philosophy behind the game. The design team has thrown out traditional assumptions about action games and has given players the freedom to play as they wish. May also notes that he hopes Assassin's Creed will create a real emotional connection with the player (seems like the "it" thing to do these days, doesn't it?). Follow the links below for each part of the interview.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3