
Wii is our favourite way to exercise

Are you looking to get in shape for the summer? How about following JR Cook's example? The 27 year old lifelong gamer has already lost 20 pounds since he started his Wii weight loss plan, and aims to ditch another 60 by the end of the year.

JR realised the Wii's potential for weight loss after a 90 minute gaming session left him sweating and physically sore. Now he plays for around 35-40 minutes a day, seven days a week. JR has been sharing the results of his plan through his blog every day.

This story of gaming changing people's lives for the better is just the sort of thing that keeps our hearts warm and our minds confident that our cholesterol filled diets need not be the end of us.

How about you fanboy readers? Has anyone noticed the pounds dropping off since picking up Wii Sports? Any transformations from coach potatoes into hyper-fit superpeople? If that's the case, be sure to tell us about it!