
President Iwata, economics, and fun with automatic translation

Japanese publicatiion Toyo Keizai recently sat down with President Iwata for five questions about the economics of selling consoles what print money (hand over the proverbial fist, even). Since we're stuck puzzling out squiggles Kanji and scratching our heads over the auto-translation, only to discover that there isn't much meat to the interview at all, we thought we'd bring it to you exactly as we read it:

Toyo Keizai: The DS sure prints money, yeah?
Iwata:Damn yeah it does.

TK: But that's just Japan. How's the overseas market?
Iwata: The overseas market also produces fat stacks of cash, only in different colors and shapes.

You guys are really expanding the market, eh?
Iwata: We had to -- everyone already owned seven DS Lites.

TK: So how about that Wii?
Iwata: It also seems to be printing money. We're very pleased, and also, rich.

TK: Is the hit of DS and Wii probably to mean what?
Iwata: Very to recently, the game was thought that the child it is something which the young man enjoys. The woman, not to mention, to forge how no one where the old people touch to the game machine imagined and, the brain, the expectation which the person whom you think that English study can become the game software, is not.

Oh, uh ... sorry, we were too busy giggling at the Google translation. This is the interesting part of the interview, but we've heard this song before: Nintendo is working to expand the gaming industry beyond the artificial boundaries we've set when it comes to determining just what a game is, and who the audience should be. And we approve; in fact, bring more of it over here! Give us the language trainers and games we can play with Grandma, as well as more traditional 'hardcore' gaming fare.