
Next SimCity changes hands

We brought word of the new SimCity title earlier in the week and now 1UP reports that SimCity Societies won't be developed by Maxis, which is presumably swamped with not finishing Spore. The reins will be passed to Tilted Mill Entertainment, which you might know from their work on Caesar IV.

Surprising no one, the internet wasted no time in losing its mind. We see some of the first evidence in the hit forum thread "You killed Sim City!". Showing more consideration (or is it cunning?) than we've ever been accused of having, Tilted Mill president Chris Beatrice tried to calm fears in the thread, writing "This SC is not a realistic urban simulation, which I understand, to many, represents the heart of what SC is. No one is blind to that. And if you're just completely turned off, even angered by the mere notion of any game called SimCity that is not a detailed, realistic urban simulator, I absolutely understand that viewpoint, and absolutely respect it."

Looks like SCS will be the big game in this month's Games for Windows Magazine, so we'll reserve judgment until we lay our eyes on that. Or, you know, until the game comes out and we actually play it. One of the two.

[Via CVG]