
Guildwatch: WTB 15 more players

Lots of guilds had to slim down to get into Karazhan, but now it seems like they have the opposite problem-- as they head towards 25 man raids, more of them are needed more players all the time. If you're picky and you've been looking to join a guild, it's a seller's market right now.

So click the link below and check out this week's recruiting notices, as well as your weekly dose of guild drama and downings. It's Guildwatch and just like Scarface, the world is yours right after the jump.


  • An anonymous tipster sends us to the forums of Paradise Evolved (or Found?) on Zangarmarsh in search of juicy forum drama, and sure enough, it's there. Thrill to the goodbye post! Feel chills at the Kara drama! And laugh your head off at this analysis of "the rules"-- I especially like rule #9, which appears to be "Don't talk to the guildleader." Mmmm that's good forum drama.

  • Here's some juicy drama from my home server, Thunderhorn: quiXotic has been going slow lately, and had their GM, MT, Main Healer and Off-Tank, as well as several other players, split for a guild with a more promising future. The GM planned to hold a vote to elect a new GM, but instead, a former GM showed up and said he wanted to take over the guild and make his own wife the raidleader. The present GM said "sure," and gave away control. Didn't make guild members happy, so they /gquit and started heading out in droves. Fortunately, after an emotional plea on the forums, guild leadership was turned over to the person most think would have won the vote, and justice was served. And though drama with a happy ending isn't really drama at all, the guild is apparently back on track in terms of progression.

  • Not so much drama, but a fun recruiting story: An officer of Ascended on Zul'jin-A was questing in Stranglethorn when they had a hunter post "LF guild" in the General chat. The officer sent a whisper, and asked a few questions about what kind of player the hunter was, and why they wanted a guild. Then the officer, satisfied, told the hunter to sign up on the website-- and the hunter said "Wait, I have to sign up on the internet?" Seconds later, the officer says they saw the hunter post in General chat again: "LF guild." They are still recruiting, if you want to join them and can stand signing on up on the Internet.

  • An anonymous tipster says Blade on Drak'thul is having population troubles-- they've only got one tank and 3 out of the 10 or so people in the guild are thinking of leaving. And it's no wonder: recently, four of their 70s ran Stratholme (you know, that level 60 instance?) with a 62 priest, and they only barely got the Baron down-- it was a wipefest. Shameful!

  • Untouchables on Duskwood disbanded this past week. Why? The GM's wife called another longstanding female guild member a "ho." After the battle raged for a little while (we don't have screenshots, but I can only imagine it went down Jerry Springer-style: HO NO SHE DIN'T), 3 guild members /gquit and a few minutes after that, the GM disbanded the guild, leaving the guild's 180 members out in the cold. A few of them are reforming as Death Dealers.


  • Silence on Vek'nilash-A has dropped The Pheonix God and High Astromancer Solarian, leaving only Kael'thas in Tempest Keep. Links go to their movies of the encounters.

  • Revenge, also on Vek'nilash-A dropped Gruul and are headed to Magtheridon. Grats, one word named guilds of Vek'nilash!

  • Ruthless on Ysera-A dropped Illhoof on their first try out (tipster says it was probably because they were angry at huge repair bills for The Shade and Prince downings).

  • The Attuned on EU Earthen Ring-A have started raiding again, beginning in Karazhan, where they've downed the The Huntsman. I hear there were hangovers-- gentlemen, that's what I like to see! Keep up the good work! They're recruiting, too.

  • Shinsei on Kilrogg-A has dropped Nightbane and Netherspite to finish off Karazhan. They're recruiting for raids also (seems like a lot of folks are, so it must be a good time to join a guild).

  • Last week, we posted about a guild called Illidan's Unemployed (which I thought was a cool name), but apparently the guild is really named Unemployed, and they're on the Illidan server. Also, they just finished off Kara. So now you can all get jobs!


  • Gnomeboys on Maelstrom-A is recruiting fun, mature players of all levels, for everything. They're wide open.

  • Knights of Avalon on Antonidas-A is also recruiting mature (they say 18 and older) players of every level and class.

  • Pyre on Shattered Hand-H says they're still recruiting-- they've cleared Kara, and they're using their new website to get numbers together for Gruul and Magtheridon.

  • Ancient Lords of Terenas-A wants players 18+ to come join them in the endgame-- they're working through Kara and want players of all classes, especially tanks.

  • Angry Lazer Monkeys (winner of this week's Best Guild Name award) of Frostwolf-H wants fun people to enjoy some PvP with them, and maybe even start raiding. As their website says, you better either be 18, or smart enough to act like it if you lie.

  • Gnome Punters Inc (which is close on the Name award, but come on: monkeys!) is recruiting fun players who like to kick gnomes (and Karazhan butt) on Stonemaul-H.

  • Perfect Tragedy on Perenolde sounds like a nice guild that is welcoming players of all classes and levels. If you need help running instances, they got your back.

  • Rising Sun on Kargath-A wants some folks to come help them out in Karazhan, specifically locks, shadow priests, hunters, and shamans. So bring that DPS, yo. Bring it on like Kirsten Dunst.

  • Coalition of Twilight on EU Stormrage-A wants locks, mages, pallys, and hybrids to help them raid twice a week and run some Heroics. Which reminds me, I haven't run a Heroic in a while. I'll have to do that.

  • Obsessive Compulsive is an Austrailian guild on the US Dalaran server that raids 3 times a week, and is currently seeking locks, tanks, mages, and healers. If you're an Aussie stuck in a US realm, go say hi.

SEND THOSE TIPS to pls kthx. Your tips power this column, much like Chuck Norris is powered by pure diesel fuel. Oh, you didn't know that? Until next week, happy raiding.