
Wii used as therapy for wounded troops

So, not only is the Wii being used in retirement homes, but now the U.S. Army is utilizing the console to aid in the recovery of wounded soldiers. The best part? It's mandatory for them to play. It's their doctor's orders that every week they engage in playing with the Wii. We need a doctor like that, who could write us prescriptions for 10 hours of Mario Party 8 or an hour of Wii Sports every 4 hours.

Of course, it's not all just fun and games, as the piece focuses on Army Spc. Shawn Roberts, who sustained several injuries in a vehicular accident in Kuwait last April. Not only does it help Shawn be active, it's a lot more fun and engaging than normal physical therapy. "You know, it's a video game. How much could it really do? But you don't notice it while you're doing it because your mind's on the game. But then when you're done? I was sore," says Shawn.

Hopefully, this will catch on and we'll see more physical therapy sessions involving the participation of the Wii.

[Thanks, Angel!]