
NES/SNES cover collector is cooler than us

... assuming a very specialized definition of "cool." We are aghast. Agape. We don't know what to say. We're just overcome with jealousy of AtariAge forum user BuyAtari and his collection of original game boxart paintings. We never even thought that these would be out there. It's not that surprising that companies would be hesitant to throw out original artwork, now that we think about it. It's just so weird that the Mystery Quest cover is a real artifact in the real world.

Boxart that we thought was terrible suddenly becomes breathtaking when it's alone on a big canvas. Look how cool the Burai Fighter art is! We've got to start selling stuff extra cash, then trolling eBay. This is too much. Too bad about those watermarks-- we would have enjoyed using these as desktop backgrounds.

[Via Insert Credit]