
Sega Rally Revo was developed on the PS3 first -- and later ported to other systems

Though the PlayStation 3 is constantly maligned as being overly difficult to program for, it seems that more and more developers are coming out in support of it. Recently, Gamepro had a hands-on with Sega's Rally Revo and found out that the off-road racer was developed on the PS3 first -- and then ported over to other systems. This is in contrast to what Microsoft has recently said, but inline with Sega's previous efforts.

What this means for PS3 owners is that our version of Rally Revo will actually arrive on-time and with solid performance, something a bit of a rarity recently. According to GamePro, "the PS3 version had no visible "jaggies"...and believe us, we looked for them."

Between this, the just-released MotorStorm add-ons, and the upcoming DiRT, it seems like a good year to be an off-road enthusiast on the PS3. Which mud-flinger are you most excited for? You sticking with the classic MotorStorm madness or upgrading to some sexy DiRT and/or Rally Revo?