
Halo 3 Iris ARG is experiencing some downtime

Our beloved Halo 3 ARG Iris is in a lull right now as no new info has been released, no new puzzles have surfaced, and no new contacts have been made for days. It's what ARG members refer to as an in-game lull. No, it doesn't mean Iris has been mysteriously canceled or that it sucks, because this is quite the normal occurrence in most ARGs. You see, these games go in cycles, sometimes there's a huge amount of info and work to be done while other times there's really nothing happening ... right now we're experiencing the latter. If you remember, Halo 2's ilovebees extravaganza started off rather slow with only an update once every week or so until things really got juicy and payphones started ringing. So, we just wanted to tell you that Iris is not dead, we just have to be patient, and hopefully more fun will be had when new servers are unlocked. But we agree with you, waiting stinks.