
Secret child shoppers wanted to check retailers

The National Institute on Media and the Family (NIMF) is looking for underage kids to secretly shop for Mature and AO rated video games. You know, like many departments of public health do with cigarettes. Just ignore the irony of putting a kid through the paces of purchasing something they aren't supposed to. The final report is expected in December to scare the jeepers out of parents right before Christmas. Also, expect reports on toys with chocking hazards and deadly Doctor Who-style killer Christmas trees.

Previously the NIMF said the industry and retailers were doing a better job, while many parents started breeding before learning concepts like responsibility. The NIMF also discovered that the 58% of parents who play video games, more than half the time is spent is playing with their children. The NIMF report will be interesting to watch over the years as more gamer parents start popping up that know better than to let their 8-year-old play GTA -- well, at least we hope so.

[Via GamePolitics]